Carla Rossi hosts and performs at night one of Metalesque Fest at Star Theater!
Presented by Sign of the Beast Burlesque, Metalesque Fest® is the annual performing arts festival dedicated to heavy metal! Journey to the ninth circle of hell with burlesque, fire, drag and circus acts performed to metal music featuring performers from across the county. This year, we welcome one of the biggest stars of modern burlesque, Lou Lou La Duchesse de Rière! They will appear on both nights of MetalesqueFest on October 4 & 5, 2024 at Dante’s and Star Theater in downtown Portland, OR.
Night 1 - Friday October 4th @ Star Theater (doors at 8, show at 9):
Lou Lou La Duchesse de Rière (Headlining both nights!) -Montreal
Carla Rossi (Host & feature performer!) -Portland, OR
Angora Phobia -Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Hot Mayonnaise - Portland, OR
Crème Fraîche – Seattle, WA
Debauchery Productions -Phoenix, AZ
Desiree De Carlo – Indianapolis, IN
Lou Velvet – Portland, OR
Harlot O’Scara – Las Vegas, NV
Nadia Desdemona – Portland, OR
Risqué And Rye – Olympia, WA
The Muthafuckin Tarzan – Seattle WA
Oshun Hathor – Michigan
Sweet N’Lo -New York City, NY
UmBruh – Portland, OR
Via L’Once - Los Angeles CA