See Carla Rossi’s Man! I Feel Like a Constituent! at Risk/Reward’s Election Anti-Party Showcase!
Local performance artists, assemble!
Risk/Reward presents 20 different artists' thoughts on the 2024 Election. Each piece is made to order, bespoke for this moment, and must be between 2 and 4 minutes in length. In response to Risk/Reward's call for submissions, Portland has turned out: expect theater, music, film, pies, dance, rat-based strip-tease, righteous fury, performative sculpture, a gentle and loving examination of what it is to vote by mail, and (most surprising) maybe even a fleeting wisp of hope in the air.
The Election Anti-Party Showcase will feature:
Pepper Pepper
Svetlana Trantastic
Jessica Wallenfels
Rachel Lindsey Routh & Sorrel Ophelia LaLune
Thorn Hartspring
Emily June Newton
Dustin Curry
Anthony Hudson / Carla Rossi
Tracy Cameron Francis
Michael O'Neill
Hollynitski and the Extended Voice Ensemble
Éowyn Emerald
Hand2Mouth Youth Devising Intensive
Meg Denton
Mychelle M.
Zero Feeney / Kid Lich
Andrea Parson
A Sentient Karaoke Machine from the Year 3024